The quick action of an off-duty nurse saved the life of a woman. Laurie Ouellette, 57-years old was with her husband visiting family. One day, she went to Wendy’s with her husband and mother to get something to eat.
While sitting at a table, Ouellette’s head bobbed and her chin touched her chest. Her head hit the table. She completely stopped breathing and started to turn blue. Her husband shouted for someone to call 911. Luckily, an off-duty nurse Armanda Ferrari was at the restaurant.
Ouellette was placed on the floor and Ferrari performed CPR to restore her breathing. Ouellette later learned that she suffered a cardiac arrest due to a blocked artery.

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Immediate delivery of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can save a life. This life-saving technique significantly improves the chances of survival during emergencies.
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