A 21-year old Saskatchewan woman died after a large lawn mower fell on her in the Town of Dewberry maintenance yard.
According to Sgt. Juan Huss, speaking on behalf of the Kitscoty RCMP, a man who was walking by saw the woman trapped under the large tractor mower. He ran across the street to the fire station to get help.
Tragedy at work

The woman was doing some maintenance work and was jacked up and sadly she was underneath and it fell and pinned her under the tractor. The fire crews performed CPR until emergency medical services personnel arrived. The paramedics took over but she was later declared dead.
Prompt delivery of CPR during emergencies can help save a life. It can increase the chances of survival.
Huss stated that her family has been advised. The death of the woman is not considered suspicious in nature. The Occupational Health and Safety is investigating since her death is a workplace fatality.
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