Respiratory Emergencies

Quebec restaurants about to go delivery-only after 8 PM

There are several changes being implemented to help curb down the increasing number of COVID-19 cases. The majority of Quebec restaurants are asking the government to make new rules when it comes to deliveries during the curfew period. The province has already allowed some workarounds, permitting restaurants to continue the delivery of food and alcohol

Quebec restaurants about to go delivery-only after 8 PM Read More »

Quebecers will need to provide evidence of why they are outside after curfew

As more regulations are being implemented in an attempt to curb down the increasing cases of COVID-19, it has been hard for many people. The province will require Quebecers who leave their homes after the designated curfew to provide a good reason to be outside. A note from an employer, a receipt from a drug

Quebecers will need to provide evidence of why they are outside after curfew Read More »

95-year-old interrupts mask making by surviving COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic started, it has brought about significant changes in our lives. It involved drastic changes to ensure safety from the virus. When the COVID-19 pandemic started, Miriam Looker did not hesitate to take action despite instructions given by his son who was a doctor. The 95-year-old decided to utilize her supply of

95-year-old interrupts mask making by surviving COVID-19 Read More »

Calgary first aid

Hundreds of Calgarians protest against mandatory COVID-19 restrictions

Although the cases of COVID-19 continue to rise, others are not giving importance to any of the regulations to curb down the spread. Some people are forming rallies and protests against the rules whom they consider as undermining their rights. On the same day in which Alberta recorded its highest number of daily COVID-19 cases,

Hundreds of Calgarians protest against mandatory COVID-19 restrictions Read More »

5 charged after weekend anti-mask rally in Calgary

Although public gatherings are not allowed, some do not follow the regulations. It is one of the rules laid down in an attempt to curb down the spread of COVID-19. Police have laid charges against five individuals after a rally against COVID-19 public-health orders on Saturday that drew hundreds of unmasked protestors to downtown Calgary.

5 charged after weekend anti-mask rally in Calgary Read More »

Saskatoon business fined $14K for operating during COVID-19 restrictions

As the cases of COVID-19 continue to rise, the province implemented regulations that businesses in Saskatoon should strictly comply. The province stated that those not following the rules are putting schools, businesses, and health facilities at risk. The Saskatchewan Health Authority has fined a business $14,000 for operating during COVID-19 restrictions. The fine is $10,000

Saskatoon business fined $14K for operating during COVID-19 restrictions Read More »

Mandatory mask order comes as a relief to B.C. retailers

The announcement that masks will be mandatory in all indoor public spaces in British Columbia was welcome news to retailers who have struggled to enforce mask-wearing in their stores. The Retail Council of Canada had been pushing the province to make face masks or coverings a requirement for weeks. It will not be easier for

Mandatory mask order comes as a relief to B.C. retailers Read More »

Calgary first aid

Calgary city council decides to keep mask bylaw

The Calgary city council voted 11-3 to continue the mandatory face mask bylaw, following a recommendation from the administration that no changes be made. The objectives of the bylaw include increasing the usage of face masks or coverings to help reduce transmission of COVID-19 and to keep Calgary’s economy open. The early indications are that

Calgary city council decides to keep mask bylaw Read More »

Airdrie doctors group urges city to mandate masks as cases climb

According to doctors, the medical system in Airdrie is close to a breaking point. A group representing all 50 of Airdrie’s family physicians has asked the city to make masks mandatory. The existing bylaw in Airdrie which was approved by the council at the end of July states that mask-wearing will be made mandatory when

Airdrie doctors group urges city to mandate masks as cases climb Read More »

Enroll in the N95 mask fit course by Calgary First Aid

As workplaces, schools, and organizations prepare to re-open, there is an increasing demand for respiratory protection. When N95 masks are utilized at medical and dental offices and long-term care facilities, a mask fit course is a health and safety regulatory requirement. We provide a cost-effective N95 mask fit course to support this need. At Calgary

Enroll in the N95 mask fit course by Calgary First Aid Read More »

Mandating masks will remain the job of businesses and services

The provincial health officer states that mask mandates alone have not made a difference in the spread of COVID-19. B.C.’s provincial health officer shares that she will continue to resist calls for a mandatory mask order, stating that it will remain the responsibility of businesses, community services, and transportation providers to implement rules on face

Mandating masks will remain the job of businesses and services Read More »

How to stay safe while flying amid COVID-19 pandemic

Many passengers who recently took flights that landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport share that they felt safe on board their flights. While the flying experience was different, it was not too uncomfortable. Public health officials state that it is best to stay home to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but if a person must

How to stay safe while flying amid COVID-19 pandemic Read More »

Laval mother pushes Indigo to change its policy of face coverings

Indigo stated that it has changed its policy to allow face mask exemptions in Quebec stores after an incident was brought to their attention. Voula Constantinacos shared that she was pleased with the company’s change of heart. But earlier in the day, she stated that she was still reeling from what she claims happened when

Laval mother pushes Indigo to change its policy of face coverings Read More »

Calgary city council votes to keep mask bylaw in effect

The Calgary city council voted 11-3 to continue the mandatory face mask bylaw, following a recommendation from the administration that no changes be made. The objectives of the bylaw include increasing the usage of face masks or coverings to help reduce transmission of COVID-19 and to keep Calgary’s economy open. The early indications are that

Calgary city council votes to keep mask bylaw in effect Read More »

Calgary first aid

Ottawa Public Health looking at how to target COVID-19 spread with affecting businesses

As Ottawa starts the second week of the modified Stage 2 COVID-19 restrictions, the medical officer of health of Ottawa suggests health officials are “still wide open” on what to do next if there is not a decline in COVID-19 transmission rates over the 28-day period. While the health officials are looking at ways to

Ottawa Public Health looking at how to target COVID-19 spread with affecting businesses Read More »

Quebec makes face masks mandatory for high school students in coronavirus red zones

Quebec is tightening measures in designated COVID-19 red zones by making face masks mandatory for high school students, closing gyms, and prohibiting team sports for at least 20 days. High school students in affected areas, including Montreal and Quebec City, will be required to wear face masks in the classroom and on school grounds at

Quebec makes face masks mandatory for high school students in coronavirus red zones Read More »

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