A cable technician saved the life of a man with CPR. When Langley’s David Sibley had a heart attack in his house, Paul Schulli jumped into action by providing CPR until help arrived.
Timely intervention with CPR
What would have been a tragic Christmas for a Langley family turned into gratitude and celebration due to the actions of a stranger. Shaw Cable technician Paul Schulli had come to David and Marianna Sibley’s house to set up a new high definition television box.

When David suddenly had a heart attack and collapsed, Schulli rushed to the 79-year old man’s side and performed the life-saving CPR. If not for his quick action, David would not be alive today.
As Schulli arrived at the Langley residence, David was telling his wife that he was not feeling well. He felt tired as if he wanted to go back to bed. Marianna recalls him saying to her as they watched Schulli set up.
Minutes later, Marianna was in the kitchen when she heard someone exclaim. She turned to see Schulli supporting her collapsed husband and lowering him to the floor. She quickly called 911 and shouted instructions to Schulli who performed CPR for more than 10 minutes until the fire truck arrived. This was the first time Schulli, a Surrey resident had even performed CPR in a real-life emergency.
Learn CPR today
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving skill that can save a life. It is an essential skill that can improve the chances of survival during emergencies.
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Learn how to help by enrolling in a CPR class and for more information, check out these sources: