Calgary first aid

Woman dead after a stabbing incident

A woman was found dead at an assisted-living residence in the early morning. The woman was identified as Deborah Onwu, 47 years old. She was allegedly stabbed to death by her client while working as a caseworker.

Prompt intervention

According to the Calgary police, the suspect is an 18-year-old named Jacob Spencer.  He is charged with second-degree murder in connection with the incident. He remains in custody of the police.

The victim, Deborah Onwu, was a professional caseworker. She supports Newman at his Wood’s Homes assisted living residence. The police allege that there was a verbal and physical confrontation between the two. Their confrontation resulted in Newman stabbing Onwu.

Calgary first aid
Some people in the area who saw the incident immediately called emergency numbers and provided initial first aid on Onwu.

Some people in the area who saw the incident immediately called emergency numbers and provided initial first aid on Onwu.

According to the police, Staff Sgt. Martin Schiavetta, emergency crews arrived in the area and immediately provided first aid on Onwu. She suffered from his injuries and declared dead. The Alberta Occupational Health and Safety are investigating the incident because it happened in the workplace.

The police could not locate Newman. He was eventually arrested by the police at around 5 o’clock on Friday morning. Wood’s Homes operates mental health facilities and programs dealing with children and families all over Alberta. Their staff and clients are still investigating the killing at one of its Calgary homes.

According to some co-workers of Deborah Onwu, she is a very well-liked and well-respected colleague. She is also a hardworking person and devotes some of her time to helping other people. There are no words to describe the sadness we felt and the loss of our work family is feeling right now.

The government will provide counseling support for people affected by the incident, people working together with the Calgary Police Service, and the Occupational Health and Safety on how this incident happened. They will also provide counseling for some bystanders who provided first aid to the victim.

A report from the Calgary Society for Persons with Disabilities, Onwu is an extremely valuable asset to the organization. She volunteers to provide help anytime. She has a good relationship with anyone she is working with.

For more information about this story, click here.


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