Face masks and coverings will be mandatory inside commercial settings in Windsor and Essex County.
The change is a step up from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit’s previous guidance on the issue which stated that cloth face coverings were recommended, especially in areas where physical distancing is not possible.
Residents and business owners will be given time to prepare and policies will be in place requiring face masks upon entry.
With a mandatory face mask policy at all commercial establishments, it will make it everyone’s responsibility to play their part in reducing the spread of COVID-19.
The health unit noted that exceptions will be included for those unable to wear face masks as a result of pre-existing medical conditions.

Windsor-Essex joins Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph as being the only other region in the province to require face coverings in commercial establishments.
The new requirement would see businesses putting their own policies in place to ensure that the customers and staff will wear face masks or coverings.
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