Extreme Air Park denies allegations of a mother, saying that first aid services of the park are inadequate. Parents came forward with safety concerns for their children after an incident in the park where a child was injured.
Poor delivery of first aid
According to two concerned mothers, Sarah Villanueva and Cat Korpela, claims the staff of parks located in New Westminsters and Langley are not properly trained to provide first aid and the facilities are not equipped with proper first aid kits. The four-year old daughter of Villanueva had an accident in the Extreme Air located in New Westminster. Her daughter, Madie broke her leg. She was not provided with first aid. Confused staff of the park does not have a complete first aid kit at all, and providing ice-pack for the dangling foot of Madie. The foot of my daughter looked like a letter L.

The girl had been playing in the trampoline park together with her father when she fell. She had a broken leg and a fracture ankle. The father asked for a first aid room, and according to the crew of the park, it is not available.
In a statement in news, Extreme Air is not responsible for the injuries of the girl. They showed a video, that showed the father was “double bouncing” his daughter before the accident happened. This is not allowed at the park for safety reasons.
Record of events
Another incident happened at the Extreme Air Park located in Langley. The son of Cat Korpela was also injured at the park. His hand was accidentally slammed in a door. Korpela asked the crew of the park for a first aid kit, to help her son with his injuries and provide first aid. They gave her the kit but it was not properly stocked. The kit was only filled with tensor bandages, no first aid supplies that include band aids or gauze to stop bleeding, it was completely inadequate. Korpela works as an emergency medical responder and instructor in occupational Level 1 first aid.
Korpela complained to the company in an email. A spokesperson of the company responded that their staff is first aid certified and trained to high standards in first aid and the first aid kits are “up to standard”.
The company stated in news that Extreme Air Park has offered to work together with the provincial government in developing safety guideline for the parks. Furthermore they stated that trampoline park is safe, as long as following rules properly.
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Learn how to help by enrolling in a first aid class and for more information, check out these sources: