The quick response of an off-duty nurse in delivering CPR saved the life of a woman. Laurie Ouellette was together with her husband visiting family. She went to Wendy’s along with her husband and mother to get something to eat.
Timely response
Ouellette stated that when they were sitting at a table, her head bobbed and her chin touched her chest. It was then that her head hit the table and she ceased to breathe and started to turn blue. Her husband yelled for someone to call 911. Luckily, an off-duty nurse, Amanda Ferrari was at the restaurant.
Ouellette was placed on the floor and Ferrari delivered CPR to restore her breathing. Ouellette later learned that she suffered a cardiac arrest due to a clogged artery.
The emergency crew arrived at the restaurant around 10-15 minutes after the call. Ouellette was certain that the quick action of the nurse saved her life, especially with the poor survival rate of individuals who sustain a cardiac arrest outside of a health care facility.

Be ready to save a life by enrolling in a first aid course
Prompt delivery of CPR and using an AED can save a life. If you want to be prepared during emergencies, it is recommended to enroll in a first aid course today.
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